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Colors Available
Whole wheat

Naturalist is a leather dyed using a cutting edge "wet green" technology.  The raw hides are delivered to Spain from southern Germany in a chilled state (instead of being salted).  This "wet green" tanning method is derived from fallen olive leaves in Italy and turned into a natural tanning agent.  This process is completely mineral free and achieved a cradle to crade Gold certification for being a biodegradable leather.  With this new leather, we are taking advantage of a wasted byproduct to create the most environmentally friendly leather ever imagined.  

Color: Whole Wheat

The Process

Leather to Frame
  1. Naturalist color whole wheat (wood finish: Heritage on ash)
    Naturalist color whole wheat (wood finish: Heritage on ash)
  2. Naturalist color whole wheat (wood finish: Heritage on ash)
    Naturalist color whole wheat (wood finish: Heritage on ash)
  3. (chair on left) Naturalist color whole wheat (wood finish: Heritage on ash)
    (chair on left) Naturalist color whole wheat (wood finish: Heritage on ash)